Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gay Marriage Is Wrong

Let’s look at our state and federal political candidates in terms of understanding right and wrong. One of the issues before the American people today is gay marriage and gay unions. The state and federal government must not recognize or in any way give legal standing to gay marriage or a civil union for gays!

I believe sexual activity between gay couples is wrong. I also believe very strongly that everyone has the right to a lifestyle of his own choosing, and a right to earn a living and a right not be the object of hate crimes. I do feel it is wrong, however, for the government to move to legalize gay marriage or some form of civil union for gays. To have the state or federal government recognize these unions has only a negative value for American society. It sends a message that I do not want our children receiving. They should not grow up thinking that homosexual behavior is good and acceptable.

The Democratic Party leadership has indicated that they support gay marriage and/or civil unions between gays. In my mind, there is no difference between a marriage and a civil union. The Democratic Party leadership does not appear to know the difference between right and wrong. The American people should not support any candidate or political party that supports gay marriages or unions.
A vote for anyone who supports gay marriage or gay unions will help destroy the basic values of the America family and will have a long-term negative impact on our society. We must support state and federal constitutional amendments to ban gay marriages or civil unions, and no state should recognize gay marriages or civil unions from another state.