Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Today there are at least three proposals on the table for the Senate to consider in addressing the illegal immigration issue.

There is the House of Representatives bill (H.R. 4437) that is aimed at gaining control over illegal immigration. A key component of this legislation will require all employers to use a new automated employment verification system. H.R. 4437 will change the undocumented presence of immigrants from a civil offense to a felony offence, will plug existing loopholes in the law to ensure that those who arrange and assist in illegal immigration are prosecuted and convicted, will erect 700 miles of wall along our Mexician border, and will add new surveillance systems for border patrol. This bill addresses the issue of closing the borders to illegal immigrants, but does not provide a good way of dealing with the 12 million illegal immigrants in the country today.

The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed what they call an Immigration and Border Security bill proposed by Senators Kennedy and McCain. This would give the 12 million illegal aliens a shot at U.S. citizenship without returning home first. It would give them temporary legal status for six years as long as they can prove they are employed in the United States. They would be fined $2,000, undergo a background check, learn English and study American civics, and pay taxes. They could then get in line behind others to apply for U.S. citizenship. They would be permitted to change jobs and bargain for wages. This bill proposes a way to handle the 12 million illegal immigrants in the country today, but does nothing to close the borders and stop the flow of illegal immigrants. In fact some feel it would only cause an increase in the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border.

Senator Frist may put forth his own bill, which would deport people who come into our country illegally. This proposal would crack down on human smugglers and make it easier for employers to confirm their workers’ legal status. This bill adds 15,000 more border control officers, requires new investment in unmanned aerial vehicles, cameras, and sensors. It would also build a barrier along the 1,951 mile border with Mexico.

I find all of these bills unacceptable if considered alone. We need immigration laws that address all of the following as aspects of the issue: 1. Deter people from wanting to come to this country illegally 2. Close the border to illegal immigrants 3. Address how to handle the illegal immigrants already in our country, without harming the economy and 4. Establish new immigration quotas.

The biggest hang-up appears to be between amnesty for all illegal immigrants already here, and total deportation of all illegal immigrants. I feel that nether approach will work. I prefer a one-time amnesty for those who would register for legal status. This should be limited to 60 or 90 days. After that, the only answer is prosecution under the law and deportation.

This border and immigration issue is the most important business for Congress and a compromise solution must be obtained quickly. Whatever is done must address all four aspects of the issue. Congress should not be allowed to take a Spring break (or whatever they would call it) until this business is fully taken care of. Leaving it for a later session should not be an option.