I have observed a decline in understanding Honor. Hollywood and many politicians make fun of the Boy Scouts of America because of their clear definition of Right and Wrong. Many movies make heroes of characters who get the criminal but break our laws and violate the rules of law enforcement on a regular basis. Surveys indicate that a majority of Americans consider it OK to cheat or lie in order to advance their careers. This is not honorable. Receiving awards or achieving milestones or success in our careers or other pursuits does not make one honorable. Many sports figures become heroes to us and our children, but frequently get into trouble with the law, use drugs or alcohol, gamble, etc. These men and women are not honorable and should not be considered heroes. Politicians who lie about their achievements or their opponents are not honorable and do not deserve our support.
Senator Clinton’s comments about being under fire in Bosnia and her experience as First Lady were incorrect. We need to ask if these are just one time mistakes or a pattern of behavior? I feel they are part of a pattern of behavior that has been typical of Hillary and Bill Clinton for many years. Basically the Clintons will say and do anything to achieve their goals. I believe Senator Clinton is not morally straight and not a honorable person!!
One’s honor can be affected by association. Can Senator Obama have a spiritual advisor and mentor for twenty years, who is clearly a racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-American and not be affected or share the views of his mentor? Could Obama not realize for twenty years that the Rev. Wright was racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-American. I say No!! Obama saying he did not know of the Rev. Wright’s sermons which were videotaped is very hard to believe. His refusal to disassociate himself from Rev. Wright indicates Obama’s true beliefs are not far from the Rev. Wright’s. Add to this Michele Obama’s thesis and her comment that this is the first time she been proud of America only supports my conclusion about Obama. Can Obama be as strong a Christian as he would like us to believe? Does his refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin or to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance say what he thinks of America? You bet!! This is not an honorable American.
I do not believe Senator Clinton and Senator Obama are morally straight.