Thirty-five years ago Kerry appeared before a Senate committee to call for the end to the war in Vietnam. On April 22, 2006 he defended that decision in a speech in Boston’s Faneuil Hall Marketplace. An article in the Washington Post on April 23, titled “Wartime Dissent Is Part Of Patriotism, Kerry Says”, goes into detail about his speech.
Kerry stated that casting dissent in wartime is a patriotic act. He said “I believed then, just as I do now, that it is profoundly wrong to think that fighting for your country overseas and fighting for your country’s ideals at home are contradictory or even separate duties.”
This is true to a certain point. If someone is against war for whatever reason or religious principle, it is understandable. But if one’s actions aid our enemies it is no longer patriotic. If one has manufactured lies about the conduct of our troops, such as Kerry did thirty-five years ago, and has repeated them, as he has, during the War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom, that person is not patriotic. In fact, Kerry represents to the highest degree possible, the worst in American politics. He will spin the facts to support his position and he will manufacture false evidence. Kerry, along with much of the Democratic Party’s far-left leadership, specializes in this; they are doing everything in their power to undermine the administration’s effort to win the War on Terror.
The Democratic Party’s (and Kerry’s) idea of setting a timeline for pulling our troops out of Iraq only aids the enemy and does nothing to win the war. A premature pullout from Iraq would give the terrorists the victory and would lead to more terrorist attacks. I can only conclude from the repeated pushing of this idea that the current Democratic Party leadership, especially Senator Kerry, do not want to win the war and they have not accepted the fact that we are in a world war against terror. Or maybe they want us to lose the war so they can blame the loss on President Bush and the Republicans.
Kerry says “we are imprisoned in a failed policy” and that the administration has not learned the lessons of history. It is the far left and Kerry who have not learned the lessons of history! If we look back at Vietnam, we won the battles but lost the war. WHY? And why did the American public turn against the war? The bottom line is that you cannot win a war fighting a defensive battle. You must at some point go on the offensive. Fighting only a defensive war just prolongs the agony. Starting with our pullout from Vietnam, the enemies of the United States learned that if they can drag out a conflict long enough and use the American liberal media, they can win.
Is the liberal media totally to blame for all of the negative press about Operation Iraqi Freedom? NO!! It is the Democratic Party leaders like John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean who fan the embers of the liberal media in the hope that the general public will grow against the war, and that the embers will grow into a fire that will put them back in power. The Democratic Party leadership has but one goal and that is to gain control of the Senate and win the Presidency in 2008. They do not care who they hurt in the process.
In my book the liberal media and the Democratic Party share the blame. They are the greatest allies the terrorist organizations have. The terrorists could lose every battle in Iraq and win the war with just help from the liberal media and the current Democratic Party leadership!
This type of political game is nothing new for Kerry. He learned it from the Kennedys when he first decided to get into politics. I find him the most despicable figure in politics. Right and wrong are clear, but Kerry, the extreme liberal, wants everyone to believe things are shades of gray rather than black and white. He can always be counted on to vote against a strong military and the things that would help the military remain strong. He will always exaggerate problems with the military and will go as far as lying about them. He has totally lost sight of right and wrong. Kerry started his speech referring to American ideals, but he does not practice what he preaches. What happened to truth and honesty? Is lying to gain votes and power justified? Does Kerry have any honor? NO!
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