Sunday, April 02, 2006


I read an article on today that really illustrates what is wrong with the Democratic Party today. The article is titled “Iraq War Frustration Key to Dem Victories, Says Rangel”. Representative Charles Rangel’s (D-N.Y.) statements will only drive those in the middle between the far right and extreme left to vote Republican.

According to the article, Rep. Rangel said that voters should not just be frustrated over the Bush administration’s handling of the war in Iraq, ‘they should be outraged’. The outrage to me is the way in which the Democratic Party leadership has tried to undermine the administration. For example, Senator Russ Feingold’s (D-Wis.) call to censure President Bush for authorizing warrantless surveillance of phone calls between persons in the United States and known Al Qaeda operatives. Previous Presidents going back at least to Jimmy Carter have done the same thing! I believe the U.S. Constitution gives the President the right to take this step, and I am glad he did so.

There is no justification for Feingold’s action in the midst of war. It should be noted that afterwards Senator Feingold got a boost from the far left in the Democratic Party in his possible bid to run for President in 2008. Senator John Kerry pursued a similar push from the far left by calling for the impeachment of President Bush over the same issue, and he is hoping to make another run for President! These people are playing politics with no concern for the War on Terror, the impact on our troops, and the impact on the American people. In fact, actions like these should raise the question, do the Democrats even realize we are in a global war on terror?

Rep. Rangel suggests there is fear that the reputation of the United States has suffered and that we have lost friends in Europe because of the President’s action against Iraq. He is most likely concerned about our relationships with France and Russia. I would not use the word ‘friend’ when referring to France and Russia, when it comes to Iraq. Their part in the oil for food scandal must be considered a major cause for the War in Iraq. If they had worked as hard at enforcing the sanctions against Iraq as they did at getting around them, the war might not have happened. They were part of the cause, not the solution. France and Russia are only worried about themselves, their stature in world politics, and the money coming into their economies. The world agreed that Saddam Hussein had to go. The only way in Iraq to effect a change was to remove Hussein and the Baathist party from power. I do not believe there was any other way to effect the change. The bottom line is that if we stay the course in Iraq, we will have gained respect, done much to deter radical Islamic terrorism, and established a stronger bond of friendship and trust in the Middle East.

Rep. Rangel’s concern about the growing deficit is a concern of everyone, but we must remember that we are at war, and we must provide the military with the resources required to do their job as safely as possible. What would the Democrats do to help reduce the deficit? Probably cut military spending, and cut and run from Iraq! The only other possibility would be to raise taxes, which would have a negative impact on business and would slow the economy. The best solution for the deficit is to work with the Republicans as a team. A united Congress would do more to end the war on terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom than anything.

If we stop and look at what the Democratic Party has done since Operation Iraqi Freedom began three years ago, it is clear that they have done nothing to help the situation. They aided Al Qaeda! Al Gore’s statement that our government has committed “terrible abuses” against Arabs in the United States, and John Kerry’s comments that our troops were terrorizing Iraqi civilians, clearly show how they twist the truth and lie about our troops. Kerry, as a senator, has never supported our military. John Kerry and Edward Kennedy both have voting records of non-support of the military.

Rep. Rangel states he submitted the bill to reinstate the military draft because lawmakers have lost touch with our military men and women, and because a disproportionate number of service members come from low-income households. There has been no evidence from Democrats that they are at all concerned about our military personnel. In fact, taking their actions as a whole, they provided no support at all. It appears to me that Rangel is much like Hillary Clinton, who looks down her nose at those who serve in the military, CIA, etc. Reportedly Hillary, while Clinton was in office, was continually rude and abrasive to those who were charged with protecting her life. Vice President Al Gore also looked down on those protecting him. It is said that “Al got angry at his children and pointed to his detail saying, ‘Do you want to grow up and be like them?’”

Taking all of the above into account, and wanting to win in Iraq and in the War on Terror, why would anyone vote for a Democrat for national office?