A friend asked me why some educated, black, and poor people are for Obama, when most of those in her area are for McCain. I thought this was an interesting question so the following is my answer.
First, look at the “well-educated” citizen who supports Obama. I believe the American educational establishment as a whole is very liberal. You see it at all levels.
The education system for K through 12th grade is unionized. This is part of the problem in terms of the quality of education today. Kids are taught the answers to the test, but not taught to think for themselves. Not all teachers are this way, but a majority are. Unions make it almost impossible to get rid of poor teachers. The head of a business can fire a non-performer, but the principal of a school cannot fire a poor teacher.
A quick look at college life at most of our universities reveals a very liberal lifestyle. Casual sex, drinking, and drug use are commonplace. The more you participate in this style of life or have associates who participate, the more likely you are to be tolerant of those with lower morals. Most college courses are taught by liberals, and conservative students must provide liberal answers in order to get good grades. Look at Obama’s associates from the University of Chicago and Columbia University. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are known domestic terrorists and are professors at the University of Chicago. Rashid Khalidi is a professor at Columbia University in New York. He has been a spokesman for the PLO, which is known as a terrorist group. This is the same University that invited President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran to speak.
Second, African-Americans may be very excited at the thought of one of theirs being President of the USA. But some African-Americans have not learned that a person should be judged by deeds rather than skin color; we have Black Theology churches which teach discrimination towards whites and Jews. There are also Black leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who foster discrimination towards whites. And there are those who just believe that one of their own race will ‘do more’ for them.
Third are the poor (and those who feel they are poor, or should have more.) They are looking for help to rise to a higher economic level. They are very vulnerable to suggestions of greater help, and frequently do not look at the true cost of this help, especially when it is in the form of cash. Does this create self-sufficiency, or does it just create a greater dependence on the government? Take, for example, Obama’s pledge to give a tax break to everyone earning under $250,000. The bottom 40% of people do not pay taxes anyway, and would receive a check from the government under his plan. This is welfare and socialism. Handouts like this in other countries have been proven to reduce people’s desire to work. Businesses and high-wage earners will be required to pay the bill. This will cause many businesses to cut their work force, causing more people to be unemployed. Many poor people just do not see or understand this cause and effect.