The Rev. Fred Phelps and members of his Topeka, Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church are totally out of bounds in their approach fighting issues related to gay rights. I feel they are abusing the right of free speech, and they are wrong about God punishing us for our tolerance towards gays. Their use of the Baptist church to try to justify their actions is as wrong as the actions of those Muslim radicals who use their religion to justify terrorism.
The protests at the funerals of Iraqi war casualties are intolerable. These people are encroaching on the rights of the families and others attending the funeral. Rev. Phelps’ daughter, who is an attorney, has tried to justify the group’s actions by stating, “These aren’t funerals; they are patriotic pep rallies.” Well, sorry, Ms. Phelps-Roper, but we all have the right to peaceably lay to rest family members, friends, or comrades with love, honor, and respect without being vocally or visually abused by a group of hate-mongers trying to make a political issue of the event.
Rev. Phelps’ followers have made sneering remarks and have displayed signs saying things like “Thank God for dead soldiers” and “Thank God for body bags”. They have also dishonored the American flag by throwing it down and walking on it. If the government does not take quick action, someone is going to wind up during one of these protests getting killed. I value free speech as much as anyone, but with the right to freedom of speech comes a responsibly not to infringe on the rights of others. If Rev. Phelps and his followers protested at a funeral I was attending, I pray that God would give me the strength not to react in a manner that He would find unacceptable!
Now let’s look at the idea that God is punishing America for our tolerance of gays. Even if we feel homosexuals are sinners, this does not give us a right to prosecute them. There is no victim in a homosexual act between consenting adults. So why do we need to take action against them? I personally believe sexual activity between gay couples is wrong, but I also believe very strongly that everyone has the right to a lifestyle of his own choosing. The church I grew up in says that all sins will be paid for at the time of our death. The Rev. Phelps is totally off-base in thinking and teaching that God is vengeful. The scales will be balanced at the end of our time on earth.
I understand that legislators in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma are working on bills that will keep protesters 500 feet from funerals and make a violation a felony punishable by a three-year prison term and a $10,000 fine. I consider this a good start and hope all states will follow suit quickly.
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