How To Silence The Liberals
A friend of mine expressed concern over of my use of the phrase “take action to silence them”. By “them” I was referring to liberal Democrats.
I agree whole-heartedly with the right to free speech guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. I also believe that with that right comes a responsibility not use it to harm someone by lying or distorting the truth.
At the present time the Democratic Party is led by the extreme left. In fact, if they continue on their present course, they will likely cost the Democrats to lose many elections.
So why should we want to silence them? Normally I would not want to silence anyone but they are aiding the terrorists and enemies of the United States and western civilization. To a large degree I believe they are prolonging the war on terror and thereby costing the lives of American soldiers. They have given verbal inspiration and hope to the insurgents and terrorists in Iraq since the pre-2004 election activities. That is when the Democratic Party started attacking the President and the administration without facts, and in general doing everything possible to undermine America’s confidence in the President. Their goal seems to be to divide the country in order to gain votes.
How can we silence the liberal Democrats?
- Voice our opinion via e-mail and blogs to our friends, family and others, and encourage them to do the same.
- Voice our opinion to our Senators and Representatives.
- Sign petitions calling for them to change their current method of operation.
- Call into talk radio shows and express our opinions.
- Respond to those calling for opinion polls.
- Do not vote for any Democrat running in a national election regardless of his or her position on the issues, and make it known that this is due to party leadership.
- Start a class-action suit against the Democratic Party Leadership to the tune of, let’s say, 50 million dollars. That would not be much of a financial burden on the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Dean, etc., but the media would have to follow it and that alone would make it worth the effort. I see this as a wrongful death suit for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and anywhere else we are fighting terrorism. The benefit from this suit would go to the families of the soldiers killed in action. I am not a lawyer and do not know if this is possible under current laws, but it sure sounds good to me.
I hope this helps everyone understand what I had in mind when I said “The very public statements by Howard Dean, John Kerry, Edward Kennedy, and others in the Democratic Party leadership have upset me to the point that I feel the American people need to take action to silence them.”
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