Tuesday, February 28, 2006


The news this week has provided a lot of coverage on the Palestinian Authority being on the brink of financial collapse. This was caused because the majority of the Palestinian people voted for Hamas candidates. Hamas now controls the Palestinian Authority.

As a result Israel decided to freeze a $55 million in monthly tax and customs transfer to the Palestinian Authority. This action causes a $260 million annual budget deficit in the Palestinian Authority. I see this as a good thing! There is no question that Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for the deaths of many Israelis and others. They still state that Israel does not have a right to exist. Why should anyone support a government made up of terrorists?

Is it right to be against one terrorist group and not another? The answer is clearly NO!

The European Union is providing the Palestinian Authority about $20 million this week, but it is not clear if any additional funds will be provided.

Saudi Arabia has said it will provide $20 million. Russia and Norway are providing $10 million each. At this time the actions of these countries will not make up the budget deficit of the Palestinian Authority. Iran has indicated they will provide support to the Palestinian Authority. (I have not heard how much.) We also know that Syria is a long- time supporter of Hamas.

It is no surprise that Syria and Iran will support Hamas. They have provided support for terrorism for years.

What are Russia, Norway, and Saudi Arabia thinking? The next time Hamas sends a suicide bomber into Israel and people are killed, they will have the blood on their hands. They are supporting known terrorists. The civilized world needs to understand supporting any terrorist group directly or indirectly is wrong. For example, any support provided to groups such as the Irish Republican Army, Hamas, Al Queda, or a Chechen group using Russian school children to try to convince the Russians to withdraw their troops is wrong!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


The Rev. Fred Phelps and members of his Topeka, Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church are totally out of bounds in their approach fighting issues related to gay rights. I feel they are abusing the right of free speech, and they are wrong about God punishing us for our tolerance towards gays. Their use of the Baptist church to try to justify their actions is as wrong as the actions of those Muslim radicals who use their religion to justify terrorism.

The protests at the funerals of Iraqi war casualties are intolerable. These people are encroaching on the rights of the families and others attending the funeral. Rev. Phelps’ daughter, who is an attorney, has tried to justify the group’s actions by stating, “These aren’t funerals; they are patriotic pep rallies.” Well, sorry, Ms. Phelps-Roper, but we all have the right to peaceably lay to rest family members, friends, or comrades with love, honor, and respect without being vocally or visually abused by a group of hate-mongers trying to make a political issue of the event.

Rev. Phelps’ followers have made sneering remarks and have displayed signs saying things like “Thank God for dead soldiers” and “Thank God for body bags”. They have also dishonored the American flag by throwing it down and walking on it. If the government does not take quick action, someone is going to wind up during one of these protests getting killed. I value free speech as much as anyone, but with the right to freedom of speech comes a responsibly not to infringe on the rights of others. If Rev. Phelps and his followers protested at a funeral I was attending, I pray that God would give me the strength not to react in a manner that He would find unacceptable!

Now let’s look at the idea that God is punishing America for our tolerance of gays. Even if we feel homosexuals are sinners, this does not give us a right to prosecute them. There is no victim in a homosexual act between consenting adults. So why do we need to take action against them? I personally believe sexual activity between gay couples is wrong, but I also believe very strongly that everyone has the right to a lifestyle of his own choosing. The church I grew up in says that all sins will be paid for at the time of our death. The Rev. Phelps is totally off-base in thinking and teaching that God is vengeful. The scales will be balanced at the end of our time on earth.

I understand that legislators in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma are working on bills that will keep protesters 500 feet from funerals and make a violation a felony punishable by a three-year prison term and a $10,000 fine. I consider this a good start and hope all states will follow suit quickly.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Senator John Kerry organized a letter from ten Democratic senators to the Senate Budget Committee criticizing President Bush’s planned pay raise for the military. The President has requested a 2.2 % increase for both the military and civil service in 2007. This is the first time he has not requested more for the military, but if we consider the current budget deficit, and the fact that military personnel have received approximately 29% in pay raises since 2001, is 2.2% really so bad?

Granted, I feel military pay is still low for the job they are doing for us, but is Kerry really concerned about our military, or is he just trying to create some positive publicity in an area where he and many of his Democratic Party cronies are lacking?

Once again, Kerry comes across as a pure politician (someone who will do anything for votes.) This action is only window dressing to try and hide the fact that he and his ilk have voted against almost every major military spending bill since being in office. They have never supported having a strong military. Senator Kerry, you can change your words but you are still an extreme liberal who does not support our military. You will never be able to hide your lies about our military men and women.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Punish The Palestinians

President Jimmy Carter, who was by all accounts one of the very worst Presidents of the United States, showed once again he does not have a clue who our enemy is in the article he wrote in the Washington Post titled “Don’t Punish the Palestinians”. He says that the United States should continue providing aid to the Palestinian Authority, which is now controlled by Hamas, and humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people. He is totally wrong on this issue! They should not receive any aid. By this I mean any aid, including humanitarian.

We are in a World War against terrorism. That means we are fighting against all terrorists, terrorist groups, and countries that support these groups. To be successful in this war we must make it clear that we will not support any terrorist organization. There is no shortage of evidence that Hamas has commited many acts of terrorism, and they have openly stated that Israel should not exist. The Palestinian people voted for Hamas; they need to understand that we cannot provide support to a government run by terrorists. Given the opportunity, Hamas will commit, and in the past may have been behind, terrorist acts against the United States. Hamas is as much our enemy as Al-Qaeda. How can we expect other countries to support us in the War on Terror and not support them against any group commiting acts of terrorism against them?

It would be completely wrong to provide even humanitarian support to Hamas, or to anyone who supports Hamas in any manner. Furthermore, I would not recognize any government run by Hamas. Until Hamas lays down their arms and acknowledges Israel’s right to exist they should get no aid from the United States for anything! Don’t use my tax dollars to support a terrorist government! Any members of Hamas seen outside Palestine should be arrested and prosecuted as terrorists.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I believe all Americans want to win the war on terror! We need to keep this objective constantly in view until victory is achieved. Remember, United We Stand--Divided We Fall. We must continue aggressively to pursue and eliminate those who execute acts of terrorism, and those who support or enable these acts. For several decades, our country and the countries of Europe tried a passive approach to defeating terror. This approach allowed terrorism to mushroom and become the monster it is today. Because we have permitted this monster to grow over many years, the task of dismantling the terror network will take much time, and will unfortunately cost more lives.

The war in Iraq remains an important part of the war on terror. We must stay the course there, and continue to work with the Iraqis to help keep their government in place to fight terrorism throughout the Middle East.

The leaders of the Democratic Party are essentially providing aid and comfort to the enemy with their politics. John Kerry and Edward Kennedy have voting records of not supporting our military, and their idea of appeasing the French would mean working by committee and continuing their policies that allowed Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups to grow. Remember the words of Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Joe Lieberman has been one of the very few Democrats I have heard say “Our Troops Must Stay” in Iraq. Every one should read his thoughts on this subject. Go to http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110007611 to see them.

Monday, February 20, 2006


I am sure most Muslims around the world are not terrorists and do not believe in terrorism; however, the recent wave of protests that have been staged supposedly because of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad indicate more than ever that the War On Terror is on the right track. This war cannot be limited just to Afghanistan!

If one looks at where the violence associated with these protests has occurred, and the fact that the violence is being directed not only at Denmark, but also all of Europe, Israel, and the United States, it becomes clearer that these radical Muslims have only one objective-- that is kill or otherwise harm us, the Europeans, and Israelis. Slogans such as “Be Prepared For The Real Holocaust!” and “Slay Those Who Insult Islam!” serve to reinforce the fact that they hate us, want us all dead, and will not pass up any opportunity to harm us.

Add to this the fact that Iran is openly indicating that Iranian students are studying to become terrorists, and the well known fact that Syria is funding Hamas and other terrorist organizations, and there can be no doubt that we are in a global war on terror. Iran must not be allowed to continue their nuclear weapons program.

If we were not in Iraq there can be no doubt that there would be more terrorists headed to the United States. We need to hit the terrorists hard not only where they live, but all countries that aid them. We should collect pictures of those participating in all terrorist-related demonstrations or organizations, and if any of these people are seen outside their own country they should be arrested or killed if necessary. This should also apply to any clerics who support terrorism.

Countries that support terrorism or terrorist organizations must not receive any aid from the United States. The Palestinian Authority, which is now controlled by Hamas, should not receive any aid. By this I mean all aid, including humanitarian. Any country providing aid to these countries must also be considered an enemy of the United States! Any members of Hamas seen outside Palestine should be arrested and prosecuted as terrorists.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


There was a plan being pushed by veterans groups and local politicians to permanently dock the battleship USS Iowa in San Francisco. This ship played an important role during WWII and Korea and was where the Japanese surrender took place in 1945. The USS Iowa would be made into a museum and memorial to honor a great ship and those who served aboard her. But Liberal City, USA chose to reject the plan. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted 8 to 3 against having the ship docked in their city. They cited the military’s stand on gays and the war in Iraq as reasons for rejecting the ship. Gerado Sandoval, one of the members of the board, in an interview on the Hannity and Colmes Show on the Fox News Channel, stated that the ship was a symbol of war. He went on to say that the United States should fully disarm and do away with the military.

This is a great example of what can happen if we vote extreme liberals into office. San Francisco is an extremely liberal city. When I lived there, 1974 to 1978, they even allowed nude sunbathing in downtown parks. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors and those who think like Mr. Sandoval are a disgrace to America. They have insulted all those who have served in the military.

Friday, February 17, 2006


My cousin Gloria sent this to me via e-mail. I think it is a great story and want to share it with you. It has been checked at truthorfiction.com and the events and statement by Jody McCloud are true. Thanks, Gloria.


This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee, by school Principal, Jody McCloud.

"It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football games, to say a prayer and play the National Anthem, to honor God and Country.

Due to a recent ruling by the Supreme Court, I am told that saying a Prayer is a violation of Federal Case Law.

As I understand the law at this time, I can use this public facility to approve of sexual perversion and call it "an alternate lifestyle," and if someone is offended, that's OK.

I can use it to condone sexual promiscuity, by dispensing condoms and calling it, "safe sex." If someone is ! offended, that's OK.

I can even use this public facility to present the merits of killing an unborn baby as a "viable means of birth control." If someone is offended, no problem...

I can designate a school day as "Earth Day" and involve students in activities to worship religiously and praise the goddess "Mother Earth" and call it "ecology."

I can use literature, videos and presentations in the classroom that depict people with strong, traditional Christian convictions as "simple minded" and "ignorant" and call it "enlightenment."

However, if anyone uses this facility to honor God and to askHim to bless this event with safety and good sportsmanship, then Federal Case law is violated.

This appears to be inconsistent at best, and at worst, diabolical.

Apparently, we are to be tolerant of everything and anyone, except God and His Commandments.

Nevertheless, as a school principal, I frequently ask staff and students to abide by rules with which they do not necessarily agree. For me to do otherwise would be inconsistent at best, and at worst, hypocritical... I suffer from that affliction enough unintentionally.

I certainly do not need to add an intentional transgression. For this reason, I shall "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," and refrain from praying at this time.

However, if you feel inspired to honor, praise and thank God and ask Him, in the name of Jesus, to bless this event, please feel free to do so.

As far as I know, that's not against the law----yet."

One by one, the people in the stands bowed their heads, held hands with one another and began to pray.

They prayed in the stands. They prayed in the team huddles. They prayed at the concession stand and they prayed in the Announcer's Box!

The only place they didn't pray was in the Supreme Court of theUnited States of America - the Seat of "Justice" in the "one nation, under God."

Somehow, Kingston, Tennessee, remembered what so many have forgotten.

We are given the Freedom OF Religion, not the Freedom FROM Religion.

Praise God that His remnant remains! Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of Me before men, then I will be ashamed of you before My Father."

If you are not ashamed, pass this on, or make your choice to delete it.

Heads Up - Saddam Hussein Tapes And Documents

According to the Fox News Channel there are twelve hours of audiotapes from Saddam Hussein’s private staff meetings and other documents that will be released to the public and reviewed on Saturday morning. Per John Tierney, who was asked by the FBI in September 2005 to translate them, and General Paul Vallely, Fox News Analyst, they contain evidence that Saddam Hussein was planning terrorist attacks using weapons of mass destruction on the United States two years prior to 9/11. They also indicated that Hussein was planning to use power from a power plant outside of Basra to build two types of nuclear weapons. General Vallely also indicated that there is evidence that Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction were moved to Syria. The Hannity and Colmes Show had General Valley and Tierney on TV last night and plan to have them back on their show Monday.

Whatever is revealed, it will be worth watching the news on Saturday and Monday.

The article that first brought this to my attention can be found at http://www.hannity.com/ under Feb/16 - Furor Erupts Over Recordings of Saddam. I found more in the video section on the Fox News Channel under Hannity & Colmes.

One might ask, where is the rest of the news media on this?

Monday, February 13, 2006


The Information Age provides us with an abundance of information on issues, candidates, world events, etc. We have the traditional news media, the cable news programs, talk radio shows, and the Internet. The internet can be used for historical research, to follow conservative Blogs, liberal Blogs, political party web sites, and much more. The internet also gives us a way to get at the truth when a candidate, political party, or news program puts out erroneous information (and sometimes outright lies). We also have an abundance of books being published today that can help us sort out the truth about politicians who have been in office for many years, such as John Kerry and Edward Kennedy.

However, many of us do not take advantage of all this information. How many among us watch the network news, or read one of the long-established newspapers in the morning or evening, and use no other news source? I have found that network news programs and newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times are the poorest source of information when it comes to politics. They have been so liberal for so many years that they do not seem to have the ability to report the facts any more! Their stories are all too often slanted to favor the left. I have read the same story in both the Washington Post and the Washington Times and seen two different slants on the same story. The Post, for example, will change the title and maybe a few sentences, and thereby change the whole perspective of the story.

This same sort of thing happens with the Network News programs such as 60 Minutes. A good example of this is the 60 Minutes program on President Bush’s National Guard duty, which aired prior to the 2004 election. I refused to watch it because I have felt for a long time that 60 Minutes cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Why? Back in the early 1980’s, 60 Minutes visited a nuclear power plant in Ohio. At that time it was popular to be against nuclear power. The utility company in Ohio agreed to allow 60 Minutes to visit the site, and tape the utility’s side of the nuclear power controversy, if they would agree to provide the utility with an unedited copy of the tape. At that time I was working with Bechtel Power Corporation on a nuclear power plant in Michigan.

After the program aired on television, the utility and Bechtel made this unedited tape available to their employees. 60 Minutes had put a so-called expert on the air, and needless to say, during the show 60 Minutes and this “expert” exhorted very vocally against nuclear power. The “expert” had been previously proven in a court of law not to be an expert on nuclear power, but this information, and much else that would have discredited the show’s position, although in the unedited tape, had been completely left out of the program that appeared on TV!

So it is not surprising to me that the documents 60 Minutes showed on their program attacking the President’s National Guard duty were afterwards proved to be fraudulent. They distort the truth or even lie to support the side of a story or cause they support.

I prefer the cable Fox News program because they at least make an effort to put out both sides of a story. I also enjoy listening the Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh radio shows.


Over the weekend Al Gore, speaking at an economic forum in Saudi Arabia, stated that our government has committed “terribly abuses” against Arabs in the United States since 9/11. He says we have used racial profiling against Arabs, and have “indiscriminately rounded up” Arabs, often on “minor” charges such as overstaying visas or not having a green card in proper order, and held them in conditions that are “just unforgivable”.

This is another example of political abuse of the freedom of speech. Al Qaeda, Hamas, and other Islamic terrorist groups must be loving this one! Single-handedly, Gore has just provided the terrorist organizations of the world with higher-level propaganda than they could provide on their own.

Gore showed once again that the left in this country does not seem know the difference between right and wrong. All the extreme liberals seem to feel that laws and rules are only guidelines that do not need to be enforced, especially when it serves their purpose. (Bashing the administration.) The laws and rules associated with visas and green cards are there for a reason. I for one am very happy that our government is enforcing these laws. People who break the rules should expect to be prosecuted per the law. This goes double while we are involved in the war on terror.

Gore’s accusation that the Arabs who violated the rules are being held in conditions that are “unforgivable” appears to be totally baseless. His statement did not provide any specifics, and to the best of my knowledge there is no supporting evidence for Gore’s statement.

Al Gore should be arrested and tried for treason for aiding and abetting enemies of the United States. He, like most of the Democratic Party leadership, is working hard to undermine the Bush administration with falsehoods.

Al Gore represents the worst in American politics!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

How To Silence The Liberals

A friend of mine expressed concern over of my use of the phrase “take action to silence them”. By “them” I was referring to liberal Democrats.

I agree whole-heartedly with the right to free speech guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. I also believe that with that right comes a responsibility not use it to harm someone by lying or distorting the truth.

At the present time the Democratic Party is led by the extreme left. In fact, if they continue on their present course, they will likely cost the Democrats to lose many elections.

So why should we want to silence them? Normally I would not want to silence anyone but they are aiding the terrorists and enemies of the United States and western civilization. To a large degree I believe they are prolonging the war on terror and thereby costing the lives of American soldiers. They have given verbal inspiration and hope to the insurgents and terrorists in Iraq since the pre-2004 election activities. That is when the Democratic Party started attacking the President and the administration without facts, and in general doing everything possible to undermine America’s confidence in the President. Their goal seems to be to divide the country in order to gain votes.

How can we silence the liberal Democrats?

  • Voice our opinion via e-mail and blogs to our friends, family and others, and encourage them to do the same.
  • Voice our opinion to our Senators and Representatives.
  • Sign petitions calling for them to change their current method of operation.
  • Call into talk radio shows and express our opinions.
  • Respond to those calling for opinion polls.
  • Do not vote for any Democrat running in a national election regardless of his or her position on the issues, and make it known that this is due to party leadership.
  • Start a class-action suit against the Democratic Party Leadership to the tune of, let’s say, 50 million dollars. That would not be much of a financial burden on the likes of Kennedy, Kerry, Dean, etc., but the media would have to follow it and that alone would make it worth the effort. I see this as a wrongful death suit for the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan, and anywhere else we are fighting terrorism. The benefit from this suit would go to the families of the soldiers killed in action. I am not a lawyer and do not know if this is possible under current laws, but it sure sounds good to me.

I hope this helps everyone understand what I had in mind when I said “The very public statements by Howard Dean, John Kerry, Edward Kennedy, and others in the Democratic Party leadership have upset me to the point that I feel the American people need to take action to silence them.”

Friday, February 10, 2006

President Carter Showing His True Colors?

Jimmy Carter was a poor President. However, I have always thought he was a good person even if he made a weak leader, and I felt he did more for our country after leaving office than he did during his presidency (1977-1981). But after his comments at Coretta Scott King’s funeral this week, I must admit my feelings about him were wrong. He showed a lack of leadership (after all, he is still an “elder statesman” in the Democratic Party) as well as plain old class with his negative comments about President Bush and the administration’s handling of the Hurricane Katrina aftermath.

Funerals are neither the time nor the place for politics, especially when the object of your attack is another guest sitting in the congregation. Those present, including President Bush, were gathered to pay tribute to a woman whose life had been devoted to the civil rights cause, and who had unfailingly comported herself with dignity and graciousness during her lifetime. To have used her funeral as a platform for political mud-slinging was an insult to a great lady, and I feel she would have been embarrassed by these ill-timed comments by the man I have always thought of as one of the best representatives of the Democratic Party in terms of his personal life and moral standards.

Unfortunately, the Democrat’s strategy at this time seems to be one of character assassination. To make it even worse, the attacks are not based on facts, they are just coming across as hateful and uncaring. The Dems seem to think that if they say something often enough, it will be accepted as the truth. I believe the American people are too smart to fall for this tactic, and will eventually see this for what it really is, a group of unscrupulous politicians trying to get votes based on lies and deceptions. The judgment of the Democratic Party leaders at this time is so clouded that they do not seem to see the harm they are inflicting on our country.

The New York Post’s on-line edition editorial summed Carter up very well. He has no clue and no class! Their editorial was titled “Carter: No Clue”.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Gay Marriage Is Wrong

Let’s look at our state and federal political candidates in terms of understanding right and wrong. One of the issues before the American people today is gay marriage and gay unions. The state and federal government must not recognize or in any way give legal standing to gay marriage or a civil union for gays!

I believe sexual activity between gay couples is wrong. I also believe very strongly that everyone has the right to a lifestyle of his own choosing, and a right to earn a living and a right not be the object of hate crimes. I do feel it is wrong, however, for the government to move to legalize gay marriage or some form of civil union for gays. To have the state or federal government recognize these unions has only a negative value for American society. It sends a message that I do not want our children receiving. They should not grow up thinking that homosexual behavior is good and acceptable.

The Democratic Party leadership has indicated that they support gay marriage and/or civil unions between gays. In my mind, there is no difference between a marriage and a civil union. The Democratic Party leadership does not appear to know the difference between right and wrong. The American people should not support any candidate or political party that supports gay marriages or unions.
A vote for anyone who supports gay marriage or gay unions will help destroy the basic values of the America family and will have a long-term negative impact on our society. We must support state and federal constitutional amendments to ban gay marriages or civil unions, and no state should recognize gay marriages or civil unions from another state.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

It's Time For Action Against The Liberals

I sent the following message to a number of my friends and family members on December 15, 2005. It was also sent to two of the Washington DC newspapers. Since that time the Democratic Party has only reinforced my feelings.

It’s Time For Action Against The Liberals (Wake Up America)

I am writing this in the hope that each of you will at least pass it on to your friends and relatives. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome. The very public statements by Howard Dean, John Kerry, Edward Kennedy, and others in the Democratic Party leadership have so upset me that I feel the American people need to take action to silence them. Maybe if they lose votes or points in the polls, they will get the message.

The best way to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East is to finish what we have started in Iraq and continue to push hard for solutions to the Israeli and Palestinian situation. Taking an isolationist approach to these issues will only make matters worse and cost even more American lives in the future. The world is shrinking every year. The isolationist approach will never work today.

There are many reasons why we must stay the course in Iraq and finish the job. Four major reasons that come to mind: 1. The United States of America gave its word to our Allies and the Iraqi people. 2. Not finishing the job will embolden the Islamic radicals.
3. The polices followed for 20 years or more prior to 9/11 failed completely. 4. The undermining of the administration.

We Gave Our Word!
We have given our word to a number of countries in the Middle East. Pulling out of Iraq prematurely would have a significant impact on national elections and the development of democracies in Iraq and Lebanon. The moderates who followed our lead in the Middle East would be targets for Islamic radicals more than they are today. We must not underestimate the value of maintaining a high level of influence in the Middle East. One of the major problems with the United States policy in the Middle East has been our inconsistency and our inability to keep our word. Not keeping our word will cause us to lose all credibility and would put us in a position of not being able to influence countries in that region of the world.

Not finishing the job will embolden the Islamic radicals!
Jihadists will be able to dramatically increase their ranks because they will see a premature pullout in Iraq as a defeat for the United States. This would also allow for more uncontrolled funding of terrorists organizations such as Al Qaeda.

The global struggle against Islamic radicalism would be set back years. We would lose credibility with all our allies in Eastern Europe, England, Australia and Japan. All progress in Iraq would be thrown away. This would mean that the sacrifices of our military men and women and their families would be totally wasted.

The policies followed for 20 years or more prior to 9/11 failed completely!
A premature pullout from Iraq would put the United States in a position worse than we were prior to 9/11. We would be viewed as returning to pre 9/11 tactics, which failed miserably for more than 20 years. The pre 9/11 tactic of firing a few cruise missiles and making of public statements against the terrorists had no significant impact on them. You can tell someone that his action is wrong but if there are no significant consequences for the bad action the behavior will not change. Had we taken stronger action following pre 9/11 terrorist attacks on our ships and embassies, 9/11 would not have occurred.

Undermining The Administration!
It’s a sad position we are in today, when the greatest aid given to the insurgency and terrorists in Iraq is coming from the Democratic Party Leadership in the United States. They have given verbal inspiration and hope to the insurgents and terrorists in Iraq since the pre 2004 election activities. That is when the Democratic Party started attacking the President and the administration without facts and in general doing everything possible to undermine America’s confidence in the President. Their goal seems to be to divide the country in order to gain votes.

Today how we got into the war in Iraq does not matter. Congress provided full support for the war. Once that was done, the only option is how best to win. And let there be no doubt we are winning and significant progress has been made in Iraq.

Our troops are winning the hearts of the Iraqi people. A good friend of mine serving in Iraq was leading a convoy when a group of Iraqi children waving their arms and hollering “bomb!” got their attention. The convoy stopped and a child pointed out where the insurgents had placed a roadside bomb. This, along with what my son has told me of his experiences in Iraq, indicates that we are making significant progress with the Iraqi people.

Our recruiting for the military this year will not meeting objectives. Some of this is due to the fact that the United States is at war, but a large contributing factor is the verbal attacks by the Democratic Party on the conduct of the war, our troops, and the President, and their desire to pullout of Iraq immediately. Their real goal is purely political. That is, to gain votes by discrediting the President and the administration regardless of the cost to America and our military.

The verbal attacks on the President and the administration’s handling of the war has not been based on facts, rather the attacks have been solely efforts by the Democratic Party leadership to strengthen their support with the extreme left and peace activists. They would like us to believe their efforts are in the best interest of our country, but the truth is that it is purely an effort to gain votes regardless of the cost to America and our military men and women. It is no different than John Kerry’s career, which had its foundation in lies and falsehoods about Vietnam.